Graham Frazer


Played 30: Won 15, Lost 13, Drawn 2

* Graham played for the South at Woodhall Spa where he got very confused and thrashed his Captain 7&6.  He again played for the South at Princes

Strengths & Weaknesses:

Another collossus in the bar and occassionally on the golf course. Being brought up on a diet of golf from an early age Graham knows every excuse for hitting a bad shot. Famously got his opponent to carry his bag round Lytham after claiming a spurious war wound, and was rude enough to go on and win the game. Graham has two small children and a large liver.

Opposing Captains View:

The one good thing Graham has learnt through the course of the Cup is the Red Bull is no good for him. He sets a good example for all by not allowing family, friends or work interfere with a good golfing weekend.